Friday, October 13, 2017

Autumn Bounty and Harvest

Autumn - like clockwork it arrives, bringing with it the bounty of summer.  In our little garden bounty is defined by the many seeds to collect, a bucket full of purple grapes, a large orange squash and hopefully a juicy watermelon to share! 

Since much of our garden is harvested throughout the year, and the rest is left for seed saving activities, by September there isn't much to do but walk around and admire the flowers, the seedheads and breathe in the fall air.  

The Boston Marrow Squash right before harvest - see how orange she got?  And below, you can see that yes, we did have one watermelon to share!  

Beet greens - we are leaving the plants to go to seed this year 

Orach seeds. So pretty! 



In the last post the Amaranth was just beginning to bloom.  As the  month went by this plant got just enormous! 

Rose hips for the birds this winter