Tuesday, June 14, 2016

It's June!

June is such a wonderful time in any garden. Plats are just beginning to really grow, the leaves and blooms are all fresh and new.  Our garden is no exception!  We have been in the gardens every week, working on planting, weeding and just admiring the way nature works.  

I took some snapshots to share, take a look and follow the story in the captions.  

This Cardoon is just full of buds!  If you step back and look, it almost looks like a holiday tree festooned with ornaments! 

The Hollyhocks are towering over all the other plants already!  This lovely Salmon color is blooming in the Herb garden.  

Tiny Feverfew blooms, with their daisy form are so cheerful! 

Hope you're not tired of rose photos!  This is our China Rose. She will give us blooms now until winter. 

Vines, they are a-growing! 

I can't wait to see the Orach full size. When they go to seed the Goldfinches are all over them.  

Love the speckled foliage of the Moon and Stars watermelon! 

That's all for now, look for more photos and news to be posted later on in the season.