Sunday, November 10, 2019

Saying Goodbye to 2019

It's time to say goodbye to the 2019 Garden Season, and to our home here at Blogger.

Our blog is moving to a new home - but previous posts will remain.

Please visit our new site where I have posted some new and updated information about our garden, and our mission.  And feel free to follow along with our new posts by subscribing.  You will find the information on our new page.  Thank you for your support!  *Sharon

Garden Clean-up 

I don't know about you, but I enjoy the satisfaction of a tidy garden.  We have been in the garden this fall cleaning and tidying up things in anticipation of another cool, wet, Oregon winter. 

We cleaned the beds and put fresh straw over them to help with weed suppression over the winter and early spring.  

We also cleared out the old compost bins and created new, more accessible bins at the back of the garden.   

Even though the calendar says it's fall, the peas were still blooming last month.  I can't take enough photos of these cute little blooms!  

We hope to see you again next year, both in the garden and on our new blog/webpage: