Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ready, Set, GROW!

Cover crops being cut down (Spring 2010)
Our Pioneer Garden is maintained and cultivated as a "no-till" garden. These uncontained raised beds allow us to get a jump start in our cool and damp Spring climate. Raised beds warm the soil faster and provide excellent drainage to help veggies thrive.
Raised Beds, Spring 2010
These beds are amended with compost every year; last year cover crops were grown, cut, then covered with a 4-way garden blend. This has created deep luscious beds with great tilth, perfect for growing healthy veggies.

Join us on Thursday, April 7th at 11am in the Garden and let us show you how to create these lovely garden beds. This "Sheet Mulch" method is a simple and easy way to plant over an existing lawn or weedy patch.
No RSVP necessary.